Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Semangat Kemerdekaan
Hanya beberapa hari sahaja lagi, rakyat Malaysia akan menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan dan semangat untuk menyambutnya kali ini semakin dirasai semua pihak. Ketika laungan kemerdekaan di Stadium Merdeka yang dikumandangkan Tunku Abdul Rahman mengiang-ngiang di telinga, kini Malaysia menyambut lagi ulang tahun ke-52.
Rentetan demi rentetan peristiwa yang membawa kepada kemerdekaan negara mungkin masih segar dalam ingatan golongan tua, namun bagi golongan muda-mudi hanya semangat ini yang dibawa bersama dalam menyemarakkan hari kemerdekaan.Kibaran merah putih Jalur Gemilang kini menjadi pembangkit semangat kemerdekaan. Sana-sini ia diarak bagi membuakkan rasa kasih dan cinta kepada negara yang memberikan segala kemewahan dan peluang kepada rakyatnya.
Selain daripada itu, pelbagai cara lagi digunakan bagi menandakan betapa semaraknya keinginan semua anggota masyarakat untuk terus menjadi sebuah negara berdaulat yang merdeka.
Namun bagi saya, semangat kemerdekaan bermaksud kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia haruslah mengingati pengorbanan mereka yang merealisasikan kemerdekaan Negara kita dengan berusaha membangunkan Negara ini dan menjalani hidup kita dengan bersatu-padu sebagai satu bangsa, satu negara, satu Malaysia. Viva, Malaysia!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Job Interviews Tips
Job interviewing never seems to get any easier but it does get tougher. You have to meet new people, promoting & selling yourself and your capabilities, and convince people that you are better than the rest. With prompt & proper preparation, one can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with job interviews. These ten interview tips will help you go through an interview with a breeze!
1. Prepare.
Do a little homework prior to the interview. Research on the background of the company first and relate to your answers as much as possible. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.
Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Be prepared with the answers for possible common interview questions such as "what do you know about our company” or “why do you want to apply for this job?”. Thus you should prepare your answers for the type of questions you'll be asked, especially, be able to say why you want the job, what your strengths are, how you'd do the job, what your best achievements are.
Then rehearse your answers and pay attention to your speech, clarity, confidence, etc. prior to the interview.
3. Be On time.
Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.
4. Dress appropriately.
Avoid revealing clothes or being underdressed - stick to conventional dressing, i.e. mono colours and minimal accessories.
5. Exert proper body language.
Avoid weak or too strong handshakes, minimal or almost no eye contact with the interviewer and slouching when seated. Sit straight and avoid fidgeting or shaking your legs, biting your nails, twitching your nose, or other signs that showed your nervousness. Be aware of your body language. Your body language tells your interviewers more about yourself than your speech.
6. Stay Calm.
During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a deep breath to remain calm and take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question carefully before you answer and pay attention so you won’t be embarrassed if you forget the question!
7. Be Positive!
Don't criticise past employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views. In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers. Adopt an enthusiastic, alert, positive mind-set.
8. Be honest.
There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. Employers have their ways of finding out the truth, and when they do, you can be sure you won't be around for long. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t sell yourself i
9. Never give up!
The fact is that you will not get every job you applied for, however perfect you think you may be for it or however well you’ve performed. Feedback from interviews where you have been turned down can be invaluable for improving future results, so ask politely if they can give you any feedback. Always bear in mind that there is a job out there for you somewhere.
10. Follow Up.
Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.
Hopefully, these tips would better prepare you for the daunting tasks of facing the interview as it does me! ;)
Job interviewing never seems to get any easier but it does get tougher. You have to meet new people, promoting & selling yourself and your capabilities, and convince people that you are better than the rest. With prompt & proper preparation, one can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with job interviews. These ten interview tips will help you go through an interview with a breeze!
1. Prepare.
Do a little homework prior to the interview. Research on the background of the company first and relate to your answers as much as possible. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.
Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Be prepared with the answers for possible common interview questions such as "what do you know about our company” or “why do you want to apply for this job?”. Thus you should prepare your answers for the type of questions you'll be asked, especially, be able to say why you want the job, what your strengths are, how you'd do the job, what your best achievements are.
Then rehearse your answers and pay attention to your speech, clarity, confidence, etc. prior to the interview.
3. Be On time.
Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.
4. Dress appropriately.
Avoid revealing clothes or being underdressed - stick to conventional dressing, i.e. mono colours and minimal accessories.
5. Exert proper body language.
Avoid weak or too strong handshakes, minimal or almost no eye contact with the interviewer and slouching when seated. Sit straight and avoid fidgeting or shaking your legs, biting your nails, twitching your nose, or other signs that showed your nervousness. Be aware of your body language. Your body language tells your interviewers more about yourself than your speech.
6. Stay Calm.
During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a deep breath to remain calm and take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question carefully before you answer and pay attention so you won’t be embarrassed if you forget the question!
7. Be Positive!
Don't criticise past employers, particularly within the industry. Focus on positive achievements and views. In particular, avoid negative comments about past employers. Adopt an enthusiastic, alert, positive mind-set.
8. Be honest.
There really is no point lying about your background and/or skills. Employers have their ways of finding out the truth, and when they do, you can be sure you won't be around for long. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t sell yourself i
9. Never give up!
The fact is that you will not get every job you applied for, however perfect you think you may be for it or however well you’ve performed. Feedback from interviews where you have been turned down can be invaluable for improving future results, so ask politely if they can give you any feedback. Always bear in mind that there is a job out there for you somewhere.
10. Follow Up.
Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.
Hopefully, these tips would better prepare you for the daunting tasks of facing the interview as it does me! ;)
Friday, August 14, 2009
PPSMI is the result of a policy decision made by the Malaysian government as the result from the Minister’s Council Meeting held on 19 July 2002.The PPSMI’s implementation was carried out in stages beginning with the 2003 schooling session. The pioneers were all Year 1 students for Primary Schools, Form 1 and Lower 6 students for Secondary Schools.The full implementation of PPSMI was in 2007 for Secondary Schools and 2008 for Primary Schools.
The rationale for the decision to change the medium of instruction from the Malay Language to English for the teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics subjects was made based on the government’s concern on the nation’s human capital development towards achieving the standard of a developed country, as well as an early preparation to compete in the era of globalization.It is widely known that the field of science and mathematics form the basis and have a crucial role in the progress and development of a country. Various innovations and discoveries in these two fields happen rapidly and information access is mostly in the English language.English language is also the language spoken internationally and mastery in this language would allow easy access to information in these fields.
Basically, the policy decision to implement PPSMI was made to increase students’ mastery in science and mathematics in view of the fact that most of the sources are available in the English language. Indirectly, it is also hoped that the implementation of PPSMI would contribute to the enhancing of students’ command of the language.
I for one, support teaching science and mathematics in English but its implementation was rushed without much preparation or proper planning. It is my opinion that this policy has to be deferred and these 2 subjects needs to be taught in Bahasa Malaysia or the students are going to face problems and be victimize in the long term.
It is a well known fact that the proficiency of English language among our school teachers is surprisingly and pathetically below acceptable standards. There was even rumors of cases where students corrected the English of their English teachers themselves!(imagine the shame!). If teachers teaching English in Malaysian schools are incapable to conduct themselves well and fluently, that would reflect on the standard of English of the mathematic and science teachers as well. These teachers are literally being "forced" to teach in English, a language which many of them can barely speak yet teach. Coupled with the equally low standard of English among students, the lessons in science and mathematic become bored. Teachers have no interest to teach them while the students too have no interest to learn them because they don't understand what the teachers are talking about at all.
Teaching science and mathematics in English is not the only way to improve the students' proficiency in English. Instead, the government should increase the number of hours allocated for each English lessons and hire addition retired English teachers or someone with a good English background to replace some of the current English teachers who cannot understand or converse well in English to teach the subject. Similar policy should be applied to teachers training colleges as well. At the same time, teachers can introduce English terms for some science and mathematics words but not teaching the subject in English to the students.The teaching of science and maths in English can then be carried out effectively when the standard of English in both students and teachers have improved.
Thus, I believe that the teaching of science and math subjects should be postponed until the above are achieved first. There is just no rushing perfection, eh?!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Program pertama seumpama ini dianjurkan khusus untuk menyahut seruan Kementerian Sumber Manusia untuk menempatkan pekerja-pekerja yang telah diberhentikan dengan majikan baru. Sekalung tahniah kepada Jabatan Tenaga Kerja dan semua Jabatan dan Agensi di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia di atas komitmen dan kerjasama yang ditunjukkan.
Program latihan Train and Place dan Skim Latihan Dual Nasional antara program yang disediakan oleh JPK. Antara lain program ini memberi peluang pekerja yang diberhentikan mendapatkan kemahiran baru dan seterusnya ditempatkan dengan majikan tertentu . Secara ringkasnya pekerjaan akan mendapat pekerja selepas tamat latihan.
Pada masa yang sama Kementerian juga telah meluluskan peruntukan bagi 'Program Train and Place' bagi pekerja diberhentikan dan graduan yang menganggur. Jabatan dan Agensi di bawah KSM juga menawarkan peluang-peluang latihan kemahiran untuk ditawarkan kepada golongan sasaran tertentu.
Objektif program ini antara lain adalah untuk menggerakkan jentera KSM dan majikan yang memerlukan pekerjaan bagi membolehkan pengisian kekosongan jawatan dengan segera. Disamping itu juga sebagai satu usaha pelbagai bagi penempatan pencari kerja dengan mengadakan kerjasama erat bersama rakan kongsi pekerjaan (employment partners) dikalangan majikan dan agensi pekerjaan swasta.
Program ini juga bertujuan memperkenalkan dan menggalakkan Latihan Kemahiran di kalangan pencari kerja serta pekerja-pekerja yang terlibat dengan pemberhentian pekerja serta golongan sasaran lain melalui aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh KSM. Penganjuran program seumpama ini menjadi Pusat Khidmat setempat bagi membolehkan pelanggan KSM mendapatkan maklumat secara lebih pantas dan bersepadu. JTK akan menjadi penyelaras kepada keseluruhan program ini yang akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di semua 15 pusat yang telah dikenalpasti secara giliran.
Adalah diharap bahawa agar program seumpama ini dapat diperluaskan dan diteruskan mengikut jadual seperti yang ditetapkan pada masa-masa akan datang. Kita sedia maklum dunia pada masa kini mengalami satu transisi ekonomi yang tidak stabil ke arah kemelesetan ekonomi dunia.
Program Penempatan Pekerjaan (Jobs Placement Programme) dapat membantu dan memudahkan penempatan pencari kerja, serta penempatan semula pekerja yang telibat dengan pemberhentian pekerja. Asas program ini untuk membantu majikan mendapatkan pekerja dan pencari kerja mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Krisis ekonomi global yang melanda telah memberi kesan kepada syarikat-syarikat yang beroperasi di Malaysia hingga memaksa mereka melaksanakan tindakan Pemberhentian Kerja.
Melalui program ini, para peserta akan dibantu dari segi mendapatkan peluang-peluang pekerjaan di syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa atau yang terkemuka sejurus selepas tamatnya program ini. Jesteru itu, peluang pekerjaan yang menarik menunggu mereka yang menyertai program ini tanpa mereka perlu membayar apa-apa wang atau berbuat apa-apa..
Tambahan lagi, aktiviti ini juga boleh memberikan peluang peningkatan kemahiran melalui tawaran peluang latihan di bawah Kementerian. Peserta-peserta juga mendapat peluang untuk menceburi bidang pekerjaan yang baru dan berbeza daripada pekerjaan lama mereka di samping meningkatkan tahap kemahiran mereka yang sedia ada
Selain itu, program ini juga dapat memberi peluang kepada golongan peserta untuk berkongsi pengalaman tentang pekerjaan lepas mereka dan sekaligus memberi peluang untuk mereka meningkatkan pengalaman mereka yang sedia ada. Ini amat bermenafaat kepada mereka yang mungkin ingin memasuki bidang pekerjaan yang baru tetapi kurang berpengetahuan tentangnya. Pada masa yang sama, percepsi buruk atau sterotaip yang basi juga dapat diperbetulkan agar membantu mereka menceburi bidang yang digemari.
Akhir sekali,peserta program ini juga dapat mencari kenalan baru serta mungkin juga rakan perniagaan yang baru (jika mereka memulakan bidang pekerjaan bersama-sama)
Program ini yang berlanjutan selama 2-6 bulan dapat memberi peluang yang cukup untuk berkenalan antara satu sama lain dan mendapat kawan baru.
Kementerian mendapati masih terdapat majikan yang menghadapi kesukaran mendapatkan calon pekerja tempatan untuk mengisi kekosongan di tempat mereka walaupun mereka telah habis program ini. Ini kerana kebanyakan daripada pihak penyedia program ini gagal untuk melatih peserta dengan baik dan mencapai standard yang telah ditetapkan oleh industri.
Selain daripada itu, peralatan dan kemudahan yang kurang lengkap seperti kekurangan computer atau kertas, nota-nota, atau ruang/ bilik darjah juga menyumbang kepada ketidakberkesanan program ini.
Ada di antara pihak penyedia latihan juga masih baru ditubuhkan, jadi mereka tidak menpunyai pengalaman atau tenaga pengajar yang mencukupi untuk menjayakan program ini. Sesetengah tenaga pengajar juga masih muda dan tidak berpengetahuan dalam subjek yang diajar. Ini menyebabkan ramai daripada peserta bosan dan berhenti dari program ini secara melulu.
Tambahan lagi, wang sara diri yang telah diperuntukan adalah tidak mencukupi untuk menyara diri masing-masing sehingga tamat kursus. Ada di antara mereka mempunyai beban kewangan yang tinggi dan tidak mampu untuk bertahan dengan wang elaun yang begitu sedikit. Ini menyebabkan ramai dari golongan graduan dan yang telah diberhentikan pekerjaan tidak berminat untuk menyertai program ini langsung.
Kebanyakan sukatan pelajaran juga tidak relevan dan tidak membantu dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan atau skill para peserta. Ini menyebabkan para peserta kerap keliru dan tidak berpuas hati dengan apa yang diajar.
Faedah Yang Diperolehi
Peserta-peserta Program Penempatan Pekerjaan (Jobs Placement Programme) ini dapat menikmati elaun sara diri sebanyak RM500 bagi golongan graduan manakala RM800 pula disediakan untuk golongan yang telah diberhentikan kerja. Wang ini tidak termasuk wang untuk penginapan sebanyak RM 200 sebulan dan juga segala urusan penginapan telahpun diuruskan oleh pihak penyedia latihan program ini.
Selain daripada itu,peluang pekerjaan baru yang lebih baik juga menanti peserta yang tamat kursus.
Langkah Mengatasi Masalah
Antara jalan penyelesaian yang dicadangkan termasuklah menjalankan permantauan yang berterusan dan kerap serta tulus bagi memastikan pihak penyedia latihan dapat mencapai tahap yang telah ditetapkan oleh industri agar peserta dapat mendapat pekerjaan dengan mudah bila lulus kelak. Pihak kerajaan atau dari pihak Kementerian Sumber Manusia harus memastikan bahawa segala sumber dan kemudahan yang disediakan oleh pihak penyedia latihan program ini adalah mencukupi dan lengkap agar pesrta dapat menjalankan latihan mereka dengan baik dan tanpa halangan. Ini juga sama bagi tenaga pengajar yang harus berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman dalam subjek yang diajar bagi memastikan latihan dapat dijalankan dengan berkesan.
Akhir sekali, diharap bahawa elaun sara diri dapat ditingkatkan untuk memastikan para graduan dan golongan yang diberhentikan dapat menyara diri.
Adalah diharap segala kelebihan dalam program ini dapat direalisasikan dan kelemahan program ini dapat diatasi untuk menjayakan program ini.
Program pertama seumpama ini dianjurkan khusus untuk menyahut seruan Kementerian Sumber Manusia untuk menempatkan pekerja-pekerja yang telah diberhentikan dengan majikan baru. Sekalung tahniah kepada Jabatan Tenaga Kerja dan semua Jabatan dan Agensi di bawah Kementerian Sumber Manusia di atas komitmen dan kerjasama yang ditunjukkan.
Program latihan Train and Place dan Skim Latihan Dual Nasional antara program yang disediakan oleh JPK. Antara lain program ini memberi peluang pekerja yang diberhentikan mendapatkan kemahiran baru dan seterusnya ditempatkan dengan majikan tertentu . Secara ringkasnya pekerjaan akan mendapat pekerja selepas tamat latihan.
Pada masa yang sama Kementerian juga telah meluluskan peruntukan bagi 'Program Train and Place' bagi pekerja diberhentikan dan graduan yang menganggur. Jabatan dan Agensi di bawah KSM juga menawarkan peluang-peluang latihan kemahiran untuk ditawarkan kepada golongan sasaran tertentu.
Objektif program ini antara lain adalah untuk menggerakkan jentera KSM dan majikan yang memerlukan pekerjaan bagi membolehkan pengisian kekosongan jawatan dengan segera. Disamping itu juga sebagai satu usaha pelbagai bagi penempatan pencari kerja dengan mengadakan kerjasama erat bersama rakan kongsi pekerjaan (employment partners) dikalangan majikan dan agensi pekerjaan swasta.
Program ini juga bertujuan memperkenalkan dan menggalakkan Latihan Kemahiran di kalangan pencari kerja serta pekerja-pekerja yang terlibat dengan pemberhentian pekerja serta golongan sasaran lain melalui aktiviti yang dilaksanakan oleh KSM. Penganjuran program seumpama ini menjadi Pusat Khidmat setempat bagi membolehkan pelanggan KSM mendapatkan maklumat secara lebih pantas dan bersepadu. JTK akan menjadi penyelaras kepada keseluruhan program ini yang akan dilaksanakan secara serentak di semua 15 pusat yang telah dikenalpasti secara giliran.
Adalah diharap bahawa agar program seumpama ini dapat diperluaskan dan diteruskan mengikut jadual seperti yang ditetapkan pada masa-masa akan datang. Kita sedia maklum dunia pada masa kini mengalami satu transisi ekonomi yang tidak stabil ke arah kemelesetan ekonomi dunia.
Program Penempatan Pekerjaan (Jobs Placement Programme) dapat membantu dan memudahkan penempatan pencari kerja, serta penempatan semula pekerja yang telibat dengan pemberhentian pekerja. Asas program ini untuk membantu majikan mendapatkan pekerja dan pencari kerja mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Krisis ekonomi global yang melanda telah memberi kesan kepada syarikat-syarikat yang beroperasi di Malaysia hingga memaksa mereka melaksanakan tindakan Pemberhentian Kerja.
Melalui program ini, para peserta akan dibantu dari segi mendapatkan peluang-peluang pekerjaan di syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa atau yang terkemuka sejurus selepas tamatnya program ini. Jesteru itu, peluang pekerjaan yang menarik menunggu mereka yang menyertai program ini tanpa mereka perlu membayar apa-apa wang atau berbuat apa-apa..
Tambahan lagi, aktiviti ini juga boleh memberikan peluang peningkatan kemahiran melalui tawaran peluang latihan di bawah Kementerian. Peserta-peserta juga mendapat peluang untuk menceburi bidang pekerjaan yang baru dan berbeza daripada pekerjaan lama mereka di samping meningkatkan tahap kemahiran mereka yang sedia ada
Selain itu, program ini juga dapat memberi peluang kepada golongan peserta untuk berkongsi pengalaman tentang pekerjaan lepas mereka dan sekaligus memberi peluang untuk mereka meningkatkan pengalaman mereka yang sedia ada. Ini amat bermenafaat kepada mereka yang mungkin ingin memasuki bidang pekerjaan yang baru tetapi kurang berpengetahuan tentangnya. Pada masa yang sama, percepsi buruk atau sterotaip yang basi juga dapat diperbetulkan agar membantu mereka menceburi bidang yang digemari.
Akhir sekali,peserta program ini juga dapat mencari kenalan baru serta mungkin juga rakan perniagaan yang baru (jika mereka memulakan bidang pekerjaan bersama-sama)
Program ini yang berlanjutan selama 2-6 bulan dapat memberi peluang yang cukup untuk berkenalan antara satu sama lain dan mendapat kawan baru.
Kementerian mendapati masih terdapat majikan yang menghadapi kesukaran mendapatkan calon pekerja tempatan untuk mengisi kekosongan di tempat mereka walaupun mereka telah habis program ini. Ini kerana kebanyakan daripada pihak penyedia program ini gagal untuk melatih peserta dengan baik dan mencapai standard yang telah ditetapkan oleh industri.
Selain daripada itu, peralatan dan kemudahan yang kurang lengkap seperti kekurangan computer atau kertas, nota-nota, atau ruang/ bilik darjah juga menyumbang kepada ketidakberkesanan program ini.
Ada di antara pihak penyedia latihan juga masih baru ditubuhkan, jadi mereka tidak menpunyai pengalaman atau tenaga pengajar yang mencukupi untuk menjayakan program ini. Sesetengah tenaga pengajar juga masih muda dan tidak berpengetahuan dalam subjek yang diajar. Ini menyebabkan ramai daripada peserta bosan dan berhenti dari program ini secara melulu.
Tambahan lagi, wang sara diri yang telah diperuntukan adalah tidak mencukupi untuk menyara diri masing-masing sehingga tamat kursus. Ada di antara mereka mempunyai beban kewangan yang tinggi dan tidak mampu untuk bertahan dengan wang elaun yang begitu sedikit. Ini menyebabkan ramai dari golongan graduan dan yang telah diberhentikan pekerjaan tidak berminat untuk menyertai program ini langsung.
Kebanyakan sukatan pelajaran juga tidak relevan dan tidak membantu dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan atau skill para peserta. Ini menyebabkan para peserta kerap keliru dan tidak berpuas hati dengan apa yang diajar.
Faedah Yang Diperolehi
Peserta-peserta Program Penempatan Pekerjaan (Jobs Placement Programme) ini dapat menikmati elaun sara diri sebanyak RM500 bagi golongan graduan manakala RM800 pula disediakan untuk golongan yang telah diberhentikan kerja. Wang ini tidak termasuk wang untuk penginapan sebanyak RM 200 sebulan dan juga segala urusan penginapan telahpun diuruskan oleh pihak penyedia latihan program ini.
Selain daripada itu,peluang pekerjaan baru yang lebih baik juga menanti peserta yang tamat kursus.
Langkah Mengatasi Masalah
Antara jalan penyelesaian yang dicadangkan termasuklah menjalankan permantauan yang berterusan dan kerap serta tulus bagi memastikan pihak penyedia latihan dapat mencapai tahap yang telah ditetapkan oleh industri agar peserta dapat mendapat pekerjaan dengan mudah bila lulus kelak. Pihak kerajaan atau dari pihak Kementerian Sumber Manusia harus memastikan bahawa segala sumber dan kemudahan yang disediakan oleh pihak penyedia latihan program ini adalah mencukupi dan lengkap agar pesrta dapat menjalankan latihan mereka dengan baik dan tanpa halangan. Ini juga sama bagi tenaga pengajar yang harus berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman dalam subjek yang diajar bagi memastikan latihan dapat dijalankan dengan berkesan.
Akhir sekali, diharap bahawa elaun sara diri dapat ditingkatkan untuk memastikan para graduan dan golongan yang diberhentikan dapat menyara diri.
Adalah diharap segala kelebihan dalam program ini dapat direalisasikan dan kelemahan program ini dapat diatasi untuk menjayakan program ini.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
1 Malaysia : A new dawn or a new frown?
The slogan “1 Malaysia. Rakyat Didahulukan. Pencapaian Diutamakan” was disclosed to the Malaysian public on the first day our Prime Minister was confirmed as the sixth Malaysian prime minister on the 3rd April lalu. However, despite bringing relieve and hope to fellow Malaysian, this new concept invoked confusion and chaos by inviting a whole range of ideas, lending to some criticism by the former prime minister and the opposition that 1 Malaysia is merely than a political slogan rather than a watershed approach in managing the different races and their aspirations.
According to the Malaysian Insider (Wednesday, 12th August 2009), nearly 40 percent of Malaysians do not know what 1 Malaysia means while the remaining 60 percent was conjuring up their own interpretations of the famed slogan. Majority of the latter group believed that it meant unity among races, and the rest thought it meant fairness and equality among all races.
Yet many also believed that this was just one of many political gimmick that the government coughs out to promote their own political agenda. And then there is some, especially from the Bumiputra or Malay communities who feared that the 1Malaysia concept spelled doom and the end of their special privileges while for many non-Malays, they had hoped that this would meant that they will no longer be treated as a second class citizen in their own country anymore and could start to enjoy the same equallity and fairness as given to their Malay counter-part.
It is not surprising that many Malaysians are in the dazzle for this new concept as this is not the first, nor the last of many propoganda created by our beloved leaders. Since Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad days, the public have been in constant bombardment of slogans and propagandas aimed at promising the public a better future ahead, both in social and economical for all Malaysian and to strengthen unity among Malaysians. Examples of the buffet of solgans in the past includes Malaysia Boleh, Gemilang, Cemerlang dan Terbilang, Bersih, Cekap, Amanah and so on. However, all this have only managed to distract and falsely led the public into a false hope and rhetoric promises in order to gain popularity and support of the people. For instance, despite all the promises of fairness and equality louded by the government in their many slogans, many non-bumiputra especially the Indian communities are often sidelined in most goverment policies and incentives despite having a continuos significant decline in their community's economy and social progression compared to other races in Malaysia. Then there is the numerous allegations of corruptions by goverment officials whether it is from the civil service, police, army or so on such as the recent A.Kugan fiasco or the PKFZ scandal that occured recently. Not to forget, the famous "Malaysia Boleh" slogan now have becomed synonymous to nonsensical and foolhardy attempts to break a record or to prove our country's capability in the eyes of the world (such as hitchhiking a Malaysian dentist on a Russian rocket to space for over $1 million dollars. Evidently, based on these examples, it is no wonder that the public seem to have confused or doubt this concept to have any effect in any way.
Thus, Najib and his administration have a obviously long way to expain the concept to the Malaysian public. According to him the 1 Malaysia concept was initially designed to help cultivate unity among the multiracial community in Malaysia.YB Najib further elaborated that the 1 Malaysia respects the identities of all ethnic groups and is focused on three main principles — nationalistic principles of the Federal Constitution, Rukun Negara and social justice.
For many, this is just another lengthy excuse and immensely differs from the expectations raised with the slogan 1 Malaysia. For the Prime Minister, the 1 Malaysia means that the Malaysian citizens should stand, think and act as a single Malaysian race while taking into account the wishes and desires of all the ethnic groups in our country. He added that the consept of 1 Malaysia also means acting by stepping out of the ethnic barrier that has been practiced by Malaysian so far.
Whether this is true or not lies entirely in the hands of the Malaysian public as it is for them that this slogan is meant for them to comprehend, believe and ultimately practice. Hopefully, this concept would live up to its expectations and benefit all Malaysians, irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity. Live long and prosper, fellow Malaysians!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Zoom Malaysia ! - An easy guide to exploring Malaysia

As you leave the busy hub of Selangor and head north towards Perak, the character of the land changes from an urban profile to a scenic, undulating countryside. Here and there, you will glimpse pleasant plots of farmland, palm oil and rubber plantations. The magnificent view is set against a background of green jungle and jagged limestone hills.
Covering some 21,000 sq. km., Perak lies between Kedah in the north and Selangor to the south. The Main Range mountains cut across the state of Perak, standing in dramatic juxtaposition to the flat, steaming plains of the western coastline.
Often referred to as 'The Land of Grace' for its laid-back, timeless beauty, Perak is divided into nine districts.
Each district has its own characteristic beauty and history, and tourist attractions that include old-style Anglo-Malay and Chinese mansions, colonial buildings, ancient limestone caves, temples and cool hill stations such as the Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill) station.
Perak's capital, Ipoh is a slow-moving, quiet town full of quaint old bungalows and is famed for its simple yet excellent hawker food. The hawker fare here has such an excellent reputation that it is not unusual for Malaysians from other towns to drive for up to three hours just for a bowl of delicious noodles!
Perak has a western coastline facing the Straits of Melaka and not far off its coast are a number of islands. The nearest is Pangkor Island, off the coastal town of Lumut. Pangkor's unique island lifestyle offers visitors a variety of experiences and some outstanding beaches. And wait until you taste the cheap, fresh and delicious seafood here!
Covering some 21,000 sq. km., Perak lies between Kedah in the north and Selangor to the south. The Main Range mountains cut across the state of Perak, standing in dramatic juxtaposition to the flat, steaming plains of the western coastline.
Often referred to as 'The Land of Grace' for its laid-back, timeless beauty, Perak is divided into nine districts.
Each district has its own characteristic beauty and history, and tourist attractions that include old-style Anglo-Malay and Chinese mansions, colonial buildings, ancient limestone caves, temples and cool hill stations such as the Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill) station.
Perak's capital, Ipoh is a slow-moving, quiet town full of quaint old bungalows and is famed for its simple yet excellent hawker food. The hawker fare here has such an excellent reputation that it is not unusual for Malaysians from other towns to drive for up to three hours just for a bowl of delicious noodles!
Perak has a western coastline facing the Straits of Melaka and not far off its coast are a number of islands. The nearest is Pangkor Island, off the coastal town of Lumut. Pangkor's unique island lifestyle offers visitors a variety of experiences and some outstanding beaches. And wait until you taste the cheap, fresh and delicious seafood here!
Getting There :
Ipoh’s Sultan Azlan Shah Airport is accessible via air from Medan.
There are taxi and bus services from the airport to Ipoh as well as
other major towns in the state. Several bus companies operate
services from the north and south of the country to Ipoh while various
taxis ply between Ipoh and major towns in the peninsula. As regular
rail services are available, travellers can also take north-bound trains
as they stop at major towns in Perak.
Perak Attractions:
There are taxi and bus services from the airport to Ipoh as well as
other major towns in the state. Several bus companies operate
services from the north and south of the country to Ipoh while various
taxis ply between Ipoh and major towns in the peninsula. As regular
rail services are available, travellers can also take north-bound trains
as they stop at major towns in Perak.
Perak Attractions:

Pangkor, with its charming mix of fishing settlements and resorts, is a fascinating and convenient holiday destination. It presents the visitor with a rare chance to live near fishermen and observe their lifestyle and also to simply enjoy the fine beaches and resort amenities.
The fishermen live in scattered settlements on the eastern side, facing the town of Lumut and Teluk Batik. Visitors get a chance to see some of them on the 40-minute ferry ride from Lumut as the ferry stops at the main settlements of Sungai Pinang Kecil and Sungai Pinang Besar before landing at Pangkor Town.
Pangkor's two popular beach areas of Pasir Bogak and Teluk Nipah offer sun and sea enthusiasts activities like scuba-diving, snorkelling, wind-surfing and fishing. While Pasir Bogak is quite developed, Teluk Nipah still retains its kampung or village atmosphere. Teluk Ketapang or Turtle Bay still receives turtles on their egg-laying pilgrimages. Some of the resorts on the island also have excellent golf courses on their property.
The fishermen live in scattered settlements on the eastern side, facing the town of Lumut and Teluk Batik. Visitors get a chance to see some of them on the 40-minute ferry ride from Lumut as the ferry stops at the main settlements of Sungai Pinang Kecil and Sungai Pinang Besar before landing at Pangkor Town.
Pangkor's two popular beach areas of Pasir Bogak and Teluk Nipah offer sun and sea enthusiasts activities like scuba-diving, snorkelling, wind-surfing and fishing. While Pasir Bogak is quite developed, Teluk Nipah still retains its kampung or village atmosphere. Teluk Ketapang or Turtle Bay still receives turtles on their egg-laying pilgrimages. Some of the resorts on the island also have excellent golf courses on their property.
2) The Belum Forest Reserves

Towards the northern parts of Lake Temenggor, in northern Peninsula Malaysia (Perak state), lies a vast area of virgin jungle known as the Belum Forest Reserve. The area is one of the largest untouched forest reserves in Peninsula Malaysia. The presence of large mammal species such as elephants, rhinoceroses, tapirs and tigers makes Belum very special.
This forest possesses an immense wealth of flora and fauna with much of the area still unexplored and undisturbed by humans.
Various tour operators now offer guided tours to certain areas of the reserve and will arrange for the necessary permits, river and road transport and accommodation, which may include camping.
This forest possesses an immense wealth of flora and fauna with much of the area still unexplored and undisturbed by humans.
Various tour operators now offer guided tours to certain areas of the reserve and will arrange for the necessary permits, river and road transport and accommodation, which may include camping.
3) Tempurung Caves
The cave is probably the largest natural limestone cave in Peninsular Malaysia. Located in the vicinity of Gopeng, 24km south of Ipoh, the cave is approximately 1.5km long.
Made up of five huge domes which ceilings resemble coconut shells, each dome has different formations of stalagmites and stalactites.
The domes also differ from one another in terms of temperature, water level, content of limestone and marble.
Made up of five huge domes which ceilings resemble coconut shells, each dome has different formations of stalagmites and stalactites.
The domes also differ from one another in terms of temperature, water level, content of limestone and marble.
4) Pasir Salak Historical Complex
Located about 70km from Ipoh, the Pasir Salak Historical Complex pays tribute to warriors such as Dato' Sagor and Dato' Maharaja Lela. There are memorials erected in their honour, in the shape of a sundang (broad sword), a replica of the type of knife used in the killing of Mr. Birch.The complex pays tribute to warriors such as Dato' Sagor and Dato' Maharaja Lela, who led the locals against the forces of the British colonial administration.
This is the place where the flames of Malay nationalism had first stirred.
Accommodations :
- Impiana Casuarina Hotel is conveniently located in Ipoh,with views of rugged limestone hills from all its rooms. ( Price Range--> RM125-352 )
- Pangkor Laut Resort (Perak) This internationally-acclaimed resort occupies an entire island and pampers like no other. ( Price Range--> RM 900-2500 )
- Bukit Merah Laketown Resort ( Price Range--> RM 230-805 )
- Golden Hotel Beach & Resort ( Price Range--> RM 250 - 280 )
- Heritage Hotel Ipoh ( Price Range--> RM 300 - 450 )
Sunday, August 9, 2009
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